fuzzy muffins

Gracious and heartfelt thanks go to the following for helping me take care of both these little ones and my big boys:

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Buttercup's kids (all adopted)

first out in the woods...

10.16.01 10.20.01 10.25.01 10.26.01
pile of kittens bunch of kittens bunch of kittens bunch of kittens
There are five here Hanging out at the fence With Mommy

...then in my house

10.28.01 - Buttercup hands 'em over 11.03.01 11.08.01
togetherness sleepy together ride'em cowgirl the moj
How lap cats are made Little cowpoke Mine, all mine, I tell you
bunny do good! mr. lumpkins little boo
Bunny do good! Mr. Lumpkins Tiny Boo
chillin' in the papasan   S.B.
Mo-Mo, chillin' in the papasan...   Butchie

For the whole story, click here. I gave Bunny, Tiny, and Lumpy to Pets in Need just before Christmas; they were able to place them immediately. Meanwhile, Mojo's now my little man-man!

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Darwin's babies (all adopted)

all in the chair   say mousie!
First day in the house   Aren't we cute?
my mousie! love my mousie! on my throne
Einstein Gallileo Newton
I'm comfy just chillin' what's that?
Mufassa (Mu) Puma (Pu) Rufus (Ru)

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